Saturday, April 05, 2008

Fiction Friday

The Romance Rountable is featuring some of my stuff for Fiction Friday.

On Again by Jenna Allen
Unwritten Romance by Jenna Bayley-Burke

Short Stories:
71 Downtown by Jenna Bayley-Burke
A Familiar Ring by Jenna Bayley-Burke

FIRST IMPRESSIONS -- my parents are in town...this gives Trish an edge, me thinks...

1705 / 50000 words. 3% done!


Natasha Oakley said...

No, day 1 you are ahead.

Natasha Oakley said...

All change. She's one hundred words ahead - but it's the Grand National today and I'd lay big money she won't be missing that!

Unknown said...

he he...I love that you are running commentary on the race!

Today is my baby shower, so I'm preoccupied too...