Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bubbles, blogger, and comments

I *think* I fixed my comments. Ok. So I just lifted some code out of the Pink Heart Society. but I'd tried EVERYTHING! I even moved to a new template. So...

thoughts on the new template? Should I go back to the old one?


Kimberly said...

you do realize the whoooole page is a huge logo for anglefire, right?

Unknown said...

Back to the old template. This whole thing has been so weird!

Anonymous said...

OK - so the comments are still on the bottom left. This is why I switched to Wordpress for my mgbraden site. Blogger won't let you do what you want! LOL

Unknown said...

CRAP! It is working on my computer...but then, it worked on my computer for the bubbles layout when all y'all saw was an ad for angelfire.

This is just too much time wasted. Blogger blows. I bet this is some beta blogger tic coming to get me

What should I do? I don't know anything about wordpress...

Maybe I have to suck it up and grab a blogger 2 column standard...

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenna. Wordpress is easy. If you want to switch I can help you. I have not changed my blogger template because beta blogger is a nightmare and you can't do the same things in it you used to. I keep my personal blogger there because it's just as easy but for my writing one wordpress has way more flexibility BUT I have it on my own site, rather than on the wordpress hosted site. That may be the difference.

Do you have a Jenna I was sure you did now I have to go look.

Unknown said...

No hyphen for the website :)

But it is a bravenet freebie. I think they have a blog, but I have no clue how to use it. WHY does all the easy stuff have to change!

I think I should stay on blogger because of the Pink Heart Society stuff. I'm forever forgetting to do my share there, and if I wasn't on blogger, it would be worse for sure!

Anonymous said...

That makes sense. IMO Bravenets blogs suck so I would stick it out here. Blogger isn't horrible if you know how to get around in their new world. I just don't understand why they changed something that was working well to begin with just because Google bought it. Oh well, what do I know? LOL