Tired of submitting to slush piles and getting rejected before the editors even see it?
Want a chance to get your book before a print editor???
Want a guaranteed that the editor actually reads it?
You don't ever get that request for a FULL manuscript??
Well here is your chance!! Win a chance to have your completed or nearly completed manuscript read and receive a one page critique from Hilary Sares, Kensington editor (Debut, Brava, Approdisia lines)
YES!!!! FIFTEEN people will win this amazing opportunity. How do you win this amazing chance??
RAFFLE -- $100 per entry. Enter as many times as you want.
Rules: You may enter as many times as you want at $100 a "ticket".The more times you enter, the better your chances are. Winners will be randomly selected from a drawing of names on December 21st, 2007
~~~~~~~~ RUNNERS up will get....
2nd place Runners up.... (#16 and #17 winners) Chris Keeslar, Senior Editor, Dorchester Publishing (Leisure Books and Love Spell) will read and critique 100 pages ~~you get to put a proposal of 100 pages before Dorchester's editor, and receive 1 page critique. Again, he will consider buying if you impress him! (Historical Romances, Magna, Contemporary, Paranormal)
Leah HultenschmidtEditor for Dorchester Publishing(Leisure Books and Love Spell) ~~ will read and critique a 100 pages! Again, she will consider buying if you impress her!(Historical Romances, Contemporary, Paranormal)
3rd place Runner up (#18, #19, #20 and #21 winners) Leanne Burroughs Publisher/Editor of Highland Press, will read and critique 4 full manuscripts -the publisher/owner of Highland Presswill read and giveeach a 1 page critique.Again, she will consider buying. (Historical Romance, Paranormal, Contemporary,Mainstreams YA, Childrens) Trade size PRINT Books
Details....The raffle runs through midnight EST December 15, 2007 The random drawing will be held on: December 21, 2007 so 21 people will have a very Merry Christmas!!! Winners will be notified by phone and email on that day. All monies raised go to help author Dawn Thompson's hospital and medical bills. Dawn recently had a bad fall. She is a new writer so has to wait for nearly a year or more to start receiving her royalties. She doesn't have family to help her and has a lot of needs not being covered by her insurance. Money will go to help her pay for medicine not covered, and other needs arising from her recovery. All drawings will be final. No Refunds
Any questions about the contest email ::
Deborah Macgillivray
Kensington, Dorchester, & Highland Press author
writer@deborahmacgi llivray.co. uk
To enter
email address (working email addy for you will be billed $100 through Paypal):
Penname, if any:
Your full address:
Your Phone number:
The Title of your manuscript:
The genre of your manuscript:
Is your manuscript completed? Yes NO If no - expected completion date
Once your email application is received you will be sent a "ticket" bill through Paypal at $100.00 for each entry.You pay enter has many times as you want to increase your odds. You will be helping a fellow writer get back on her feet after trauma, and you finally get that GUARATEED chance to be read by some top print editors.