The Cinderella Rules, The Cinderella Hour, The Cinderella Deal, The Cinderella Mission , Cinderella for a Night , The Cinderella Plan ... get my drift? Hmmm. The Cinderella Complex is not taken...yet. And I want it. I must finish this book.
Book? Thought I was waiting to hear back from the lovely editor on my four synopses? Come on, y'all know I'm a brat. I thought...if I can finish a book while waiting to hear back...then I'll feel like Miss Smarty Pants. And hey, maybe it will sell. If not...I'll be a five time rejectee instead of a 4 time. Still my crown...though I think it must be truly ugly. Puce and stinky. But it is mine and I must relish every accomplishment.

You know what else I want? A bare male torso cover. Yummy. A chubby hero. Go on, tell me I can't. A funny sex in public scene where the couple actually does get caught. That wil be a riot!
OK. Enough procrastinating. Camping was a bust (don't ask. Don't.) so I'm writing this weekend. Watch me go!
The Cinderella Complex : Friday

So what happened with the camping? *g* (aww c'mon, you know someone had to ask! Might as well be me. ;) )
Think of it this way. At least you didn't come down with a severe cold in 3 hours!
And um, sex in public? I just a read a snippet from an upcoming book that had a public sex scene on a supermarket trolley. Yes, in the supermarket isle. Uh-huh. I don't know about the US, but people get charged for getting caught in public here in Aus! Perhaps your hero and heroine can then break out of jail, too? Hmm!
Good luck on getting some writing done!
Cole husband is a bit of a dolt at times.
Don't forget Kate Hardy's April Modern Extra, The Cinderella Project.
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