Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Goodness. I've been much too writerly lately. Maybe some people can put a pin in how they interject emotion into their writing. I can't. So...that's where I am with that.

Now...I'm just going to keep writing what I want to read and stop stressing about sales and all that jazz for a bit. Well, at least until I hear back from my lovely editor.

I subbed some more shorts off, and am going to work on The Cinderella Complex for a bit, still brewing an idea for the HQ American first chapter contest. And a few plots for Medicals...which my agent thinks would be a good idea for me to write. We'll see.

THE CINDERELLA COMPLEX :: Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter 14,356 / 60,000 (23.9%)

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