Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Short Story Pinball

I love to write short stories! I get a high from completing a work...and shorts are a fast fix for a junkie like me. But when you write a lot...and submit a lot...you get rejected A LOT! 42 short story submissions this year...3 bites.

I read this book once that said there is a place for everything you write - often more than one place...but sometimes I wonder... eh...I'm just wonky because I got to rejections today. I have 20 submissions out there...maybe I'll get some nibbles soon.


Stephanie said...

Good luck on the submissions!


Unknown said...

And ANOTHER rejection to day. See...that's what I get for subbing so much!

KATZ said...

In the long run, you'll have to benefit for keeping your stuff out there! :)

Jenna - question for you. Who was your shelf-mate in May? I was too late on the Mills&Boon website to catch your book, so I was going to head over to Amazon, and wanted to get Just One Spark, along with the other May ModX release.
