Saturday, June 17, 2006

Name Game

Which names in stories resonate with you? I remember so few. Dash from Dash of Temptation, Ryan from Her Sexiest Mistake, Lennon from One Night Man...and that's about it. I put so much effort and worry into naming characters, but I think that my be my issue.

Sitting at my sister-in-law's graduation yesterday I heard some GREAT names, and wanted to make a list, right there and then. Alas, no pen. I was unprepared. (Pen was in the toy bag DH took with him when this god of a man took the kids to play during the ceremony. They played in a graveyard, but I digress.

What is a name to you? Does it matter, or will most anything do as long as it rolls off the tongue and is easy to read? Well, and creates positive images. I doubt Feety McStinkin works for anyone.


Laura Rose said...

I like names that are a little unusual, but not so far off that they sound, well, wacky. Probably the most memorable for me from a book, is Patrick the pirate from Alison Kent's Indescret. Have no idea why, though I suspect it has more to do with the character than his name!

Silma said...

See, here's the thing. Names and titles don't resonate to me. You can ask me what was the last book I read and I can't remember who wrote it or what's the title. I can tell you if it was good or not, even narrate the whole plot. But that's it. I'm a very visual person. So if you show me the book cover I can tell you if I read it or not. *g*

Bebe said...

Unless I have the right name for a character, my stories will not flow.

KATZ said...

I don't remember character names either! (except I think I'll remember Oz from Julie Cohen's Being a Bad Girl for a while!)

I'll remember the character and the emotions if the book carried me away. So, no names so off the wall as to be distracting, but that's about it.

I like to write my heroines with names that shorten to cute nicknames.