Sunday, March 01, 2009

Celebrate Romance - Day 2

This was the longest I'd spent away from the baby. It kind of freaked me out, but I'm glad to know it can be done.

Today was full of book talk...why we read romance, why we read weird stuff in romance, the paranormal and erotica crazes and what's next (historical we thinks), the history of sex, is there a romance without sex, and what readers hate to find in their beloved books (unmotivated character choices). I think every author should have to sit in a room with readers and just listen. Better than any workshop.

I snapped this pic of Lacy Danes. She always has great shoes...and I didn't get them in the picture. (sigh)

After our day of chatting, we headed over to Borders for a book signing. It was HUGE! Just look at all the authors (and no, I have no idea why I had that look on my face) ::

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