Thursday, October 12, 2006

My tarnished crown

Another rejection. The partial fo the story I was working on with the lovely editor was rejected, and she suggested I try something new. Sad, and yet, I am much more excited about Her Cinderella I sent her the partial of that. Maybe she'll like it. If not, there is always NaNo to get a draft of something out for her.

So that makes...4 rejections on fulls, 1 on partial, and 3 on synopsis. Anyone care to take this most rejected by Modern Extra crown from me?

Eh, I wouldn't want it either.


Lisa Pulliam said...

That sucks! I hope Her Cinderella Complex works. Is that the ode to category you're working on? Has she told you the type of story she wants?

Karen Erickson said...

Sorry Jenna...


I have a feeling Cinderella will work for you. You've been so excited about this story...


Stephanie said...

So sorry to hear that Jenna. How frustrating. But I know you'll shake it off and wow 'em with Cinderella and all that comes after!

Michelle said...

AND now you've finalled in the Romance Junkies contest. Who knows maybe Deirdre Knight will be the one to read your entry!!

Jodie said...

That blows, but you're luck just might be turning. Nano is coming and I know you do well on those.

Romance, Rumours and Rogues said...

Hang in there, Jenna.

I know rejections suck but wow your ed with the next one!