Friday, October 20, 2006


I will start being writerly & professional, posting NaNo tidbits as behooves my NaNo cheerleader self. But I must say, I'll miss being flippant an free with my thoughts.

I still have no idea what my NaNo novel will be, and know I am facing a month of non-stop writing (November) and then a month of non-stop revising and editing (December). Which makes me think of resolutions.

Not New Years resolutions, but NaNo resolutions.

  • 10 minute morning email, tops!
  • No TV unless word count is complete.
  • No internet until word count is complete
  • No working on other projects before word count is complete.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's harsh.
Sounds like what I need to do.

Maybe I can just check email from my phone?

Karen Erickson said...

I feel your pain sista'. I need to do the same thing you're doing.

And I have kind of a plot but really no guide to what the heck I'm going to write. Sigh...