Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I'm a list maker. If it is on the list, the odds of something getting accomplished - or picked up at he grocery store - multiplies. Just look at the good the list of docs to call did me? So, let's see if this list gets some more work done.
  1. book reviews (2 due)
  2. edit The Girl for MX
  3. finish Drive for MX
  4. revisit If You Say So...

And about the personal stuff...

  1. Schedule follow up for naturopath
  2. goodie bags for boys birthday party
  3. order pizzas for the party
  4. clean the house for the folks visit

1 comment:

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Wow! Busy aren't you. I hope you get to all the things on your list and if you don't, it doesn't matter.