Tuesday, June 06, 2006

How's the writing coming?

Do I ever hate that question. Well, actually I don't usually. I take it as an opportunity to discuss something non-child related and run with that ball! But...DRIVE ME CRAZY is driving me crazy!! And so, tomorrow I am taking a day to drive - yep, in a car - to see my folks and see if time AWAY from the keyboard makes my heart grow fonder.


Laura Rose said...

J ~ I have the opposite problem. I can't get to my puter to write because real life keeps gettin' in the way. (picture me pulling out hair!)

Some days, it wouldn't take all that much for me to tell my boss that I quit. It's on those days I remember which job is actually paying the bills right now... *sigh*

April said...

Hugs, Jenna! Hope the time away helps! But what did you expect when you gave it that title? ;-)