Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Doctors and the like...

One doctor lab test tomorrow...and three doctors on Monday. I should know something in a few weeks. I do have adrenal fatigue, but it's my naturopath's impression that is a result of being in pain for two years. I am so ready for some answers.

And for this headache to go away so I can get back to writing... and editing. I think The Girl She Used to Be is ready to go...but I always find that no matter how polished I get a manuscript, if I step away from it I can make it better when I pick it up again. But not with this attitude. No way.

1 comment:

April said...

Hugs, Jenna. I hope you get some answers and real treatment soon!

In the meantime, good luck with the writing. It can't be easy right now!