Wednesday, June 07, 2006

And I'm OFF

Offline that is :) I'm stepping away from my internet procrastination device. A while back we were chatting on eHQ about how much time we spend on the internet -- researching, email, forums, and the like. I didn't see any problem then...but now...egad. I waste too much time! So, I'm going to limit myself to an hour a day until Drive Me Crazy is drafted. If that's not incentive, I don't know what else to try...chocolate maybe?


Kristen Painter said...

I make myself write a certain number of pages or words before I "allow" myself to jump in the pool.

Karen Erickson said...

I really need to control myself on this thing called the Internet. Otherwise known as the devil's work, lololololol!

Good luck on your first draft, I'm sure you'll finish it in no time. You're one of the fastest writers I've seen...

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Waaaaaaaaah! I'll miss you!!! I waste time too. (If you tell my husband I'll deny it.)
You can do it, Jenna.