Saturday, November 18, 2006



Oh geesh. I am so behind on my NaNo...and it's not a scheduling issue. My m-i-l took the boys for a day so I could write...and I did, just not enough. Today was better, but at this point, I need a mad rush of words. One of those brain dumps. Too bad my brain is empty.

You know...some refer to books like this as pineapples. Tomorrow is my day of the pineapple. I'll eat it for breakfast, feed it to my characters and see if it helps.
On another note...isn't this a fun cover!


TJ Brown said...

Fabulous cover, Jenna. You must be so pleased.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what it'd look like! I like it and now I know what to look for to take that 'on the shelf' pic for ya!

Julie S said...

LOVE the cover!!!

I'm grossly behind on my NaNo too. I'm not sure I'm cut out to write this fast. I'll keep trying though, but my goal is no longer 50K words!!!

Karen Erickson said...

Very sexy Jenna! Love it.

Don't beat yourself up over the word count. At least you're writing.