Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My eye hurts

It's official - this is a novel. How do I know? Because I cannot write a novel without developing some sort of ailment. This one is an irritated right eye. But, I didn't let it get me down. Today was my big write day (BabyBoy had preschool for 2 1/2 hours!) and I got my words in anyway. With no muse, thank you very much.

Someone on one of the NaNo boards has this quote - something like writers wait for inspiration, authors just write. Something like that, but better. Anyway, it is helping me with this book. It's museless, and since my CP has been missing her muse for 6 months, I may have to get used to it!

(If anyone has heard from a Russian bodybuilder named Bertha, please send her back home. Without her there is no romantic comedy. Just scary paranormal! Everything goes para without you, Bertha! I'm thinking she finally absconded with my muse, David. She's been hot for him for years. Bertha, he's married. Send him back!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's okay... Bertha is now communicating via ESP across the miles, which is kinda good. At least this way she can't manhandle me! And yes, I mean manhandle, LOL