Monday, January 08, 2007

Writers' Diet Club

Last week at The Pink Heart Society we started up a Writers' Diet Club to banish writers butt. Now, because of this...I must publically weigh in! Really, this is as bad as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. I thought I was so good, losing FIVE pounds and all, since I only exercised once and had a pizza day. But NO! Natasha had to go and shrink SEVEN pounds without logging any miles on her exercise bike the way I did. Trish shed FOUR, all of them hard earned. She's researching weight loss like she does her books!

I chose a hula dancer for my ticker as inspiration...but since I have so much to lose it makes the BMI tracker look wonky.


Anonymous said...

You can do it! Five pounds isn't anything to sneeze at, my dear. Keep up the good work!

Natasha Oakley said...

My 7lbs were very hard lost - I'm starving!!! Besides, I've fallen off the wagon today. It was stressful and I hit the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

Five pounds! Go Jenna! Good going, Natasha! I have a huge goal to lose 50 pounds by nationals. The starving part never works for me though. So, instead I'm trying the exercise to death part. Tennis twice a week and I just joined Bally's Fitness so I can go beat myself up at least three other days a week. Ouch! This hurts!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Jenna!
I've made it to 7, but Atkins is just the best diet ever for me. It really kills the if I could just get on the elliptical.

I have a 50lb goal by nationals, too!! :)