Friday, August 25, 2006


I love books...HUGE shock, I know, so it's no surprise Fiona Lowe tagged me with this one:
1. One book that changed my life:
Great Exectations. I read that book early, and often. Every time the take away changes for me. As a kid it was that fairy godparents are a rather scary idea, then it was that being given too much makes you work less hard, and once...I'm ashamed to say, it almost came to blows when an English professor dared suggest Pip doesn't get the girl in the end. I can turn nearly any book into a romance.
2. One book that I have read more than once: Bible. I'm not getting preachy. I've read it more than any other book. Read it as a kid (twice) then was a Religious Studies read it in many, many forms.
3. One book I would want on a deserted island: One book is a nightmare to me. Can I have notebooks instead & I'll just write my own?
4. One book that made me laugh: I always read stuff that makes me laugh...Emma does it for me, even now that I've been through it a dozen times.
5. One book that made me cry: The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy - so many peole to weep for in that one. I avoid books that make me cry.
6. One book I wish I'd written: anything on a best seller list, or with a 'nice deal' contract, but lately I wish I'd written Crusie & Mayers Don't Look Down. My husband would LOVE if I'd written that book. My brothers too.
7. One book I wish had never been written: Careful. I'm one of those free speech freaks. Write what you want...just don't put it in my kid's library.
8. One book I am currently reading: One? You don't know me very well, do you? Sarah Bliston's Bed Rest (MP3 player), Jeanne Ray's Julie & Romeo Get Lucky (CD in car), Kimberly Llewellyn's Tulle Little Tulle Late (diaper bag) and Jane Porter's The Secretary's Seduction(bedside table).
9. One book I have been meaning to read: The DaVinci Code. 'nuf said
10. Who's next?:

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