Sunday, March 15, 2009

Three Hours

So yesterday I whine about our current sleep situation...and we worked on The Sleep Lady...the princess screamed for over 3 hours. 3. HOURS. Yeah, the book says most kids get it right away, but some take up to an hour.


In the middle of the night. I think the whole 'leave her in the crib and sooth her by shushing and rubbing her back' pissed her off more. I don't think it was soothing. It felt like we were mocking her.

Needless to say, Hubba Bubba wanted to give in after about 20 minutes, but we stuck with it...and then after an hour we wondered if we gave in, would that teach her to scream? Ugh, who knows!

We'll be back to our old 'bad habit' of cuddling the crying baby tonight. Here's hoping The Baby Whisperer Solves Your Sleep Problems

1 comment:

therese patrick, author said...

This means, follow your intuition, not some author who's methods may have worked on her kids, years ago.

Good luck!