Friday, November 10, 2006


Cinderella is off to the's hoping she stays there. I don't want to be caught holding a glass slipper.

Now, back to Derek and Kate. I think. had a blankie emergency this afternoon and only have my evening write time to get anything done...and there is laundry begging for attention. As in...I have nothing to wear to my RWA meeting tomorrow!


TJ Brown said...

I hope the meeting was good... I met a friend for coffee and then we skipped the meeting in order to write:)

Unknown said...

COOKING UP A STORM........well it's delicious, fun, sexy and just an incredible read. Thanks for sending the book and please send're an entertaining author and NOW an auto-buy for me.

Unknown said...

Oh, aren't you sweet! Time to brag about CUAS' 1st review now!