Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lookee here!

I need to play a bit of ketchup. Check me out at the Cataromance Lounge chatting up my latest reads.

Fiona Lowe tagged me to confess 5 things you might not know about me, again. Hmmm. Well...
  • I hate to wear shoes...which is why my socks usually have holes.
  • I once knew how to put together a layout for a yearbook. Now, I'm challenged to cut and paste a scrapbook together.
  • I have seen two movies at the theater in the last six years. (My Big Fat Greek Wedding & Little Miss Sunshine)
  • Every time I've ever moved, I've gone North. If we move again, odds are we'll find ourselves in Washington by default.
  • I have more books on my shelves than I will ever read, and yet I still crave more. It's my addiction. Think there is a 12-step program?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely understand the book addiction. Someone at work gave me his favorite book with a recommendation. That was two months ago and I still haven't gotten around to it. Too much to do, too much to write. Maybe during the holidays?