Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What comes next?

I hit 40K on Her Cinderella Complex, which thrilled me. But as I'm doing a Q&A this week about plotting versus panstering, I'm having a mini-panic. I have no idea what I'll write about today. Yesterday was another fight, and then dinner.

I want to know why my heroine is being so defensive. She doesn't want to be on the island with him, and yet it is the only place she wants to be. I feel her soul being torn in two...and it makes for some confusing writing. She's in love with a man she knows is incapable of loving her, and yet she can't bring herself to break away. She left him at the altar, yet still made love with him that night. Motivation, motivation, motivation.

The problem is, I know women in these situations - heck I've been in these situtions. Not stranded on an island with a sexy millionaire unfortunately, but wanting something you know isn't good for you in the long run, but feels amazing in the moment. Geesh, I hope I am getting this right in the story.


Shelli Stevens said...

That sounds like an awesome premise, Jenna! Good luck with it. You know I'll buy it when it sells!

Michelle said...

I have so been there Jenna! It sounds great. I was having these same thoughts when writing my synopsis for my new WIP. The h's current beau (not the hero) isn't so nice necessarily but he's got $$'s and danger and he's not so bad either (well sometimes he is). I wonder if people will think just leave his a-- (which of course she does but not right away). I've been in this situation and I know it's real and it happens.