Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rejection Vacation

Okay...I'm getting rejected daily (today was Kensington), and I've had about enough! How do I stop getting rejected? Well, there is no way, I mean you submit, you'll get passes. It is the nature of the publishing game. But...I've figured out a way to take a rejection vacation...I'm not touching the internet until the weekend. So...everyone have some great news for me to scramble around for when I get back!


Julie S said...

Oh Jenna, don't worry. You'll get a bite.

Btw, I started your book...and I'm loving every word of it!!!

April said...

Hugs, Jenna! You have sold and you will again. Don't doubt it for one minute!

Unknown said...

It's good to have flirty friends :)

Jennifer McKenzie said...

The only reason you've had tons of rejections is because you have tons of submissions. Those of us who don't do rejection well salute you.
You totally rock, Jenna. It won't be long now.

Karen Erickson said...

Here's another flirt to tell you don't sweat it. The odds are a sale is coming soon. I've got positive vibes from this one. ;)

Love the guy lurking behind the couch!!!!!!

Mary Alford said...

I feel your pain, honey. But I have little doubt this is only a temporary setback.

Kristina Knight said...

Don't doubt yourself, Jenna...You'll be screaming "I sold" again soon. :)

Shelley Munro said...

Sorry about all the rejections. Keep persisting. I'm sure that next sale will come.