Sunday, July 02, 2006

July Workshops

Michele Scott, author of MURDER BY THE GLASS and MURDER UNCORKED, will be doing a workshop for Romance Divas from July 10-14 on writing chick lit mysteries.

What's Layering and How Do I Do It? with Rhonda Nelson -- July 10-14 -- eHarlequin

PITCH AND ROLL WORKSHOP :: July 9-15, 2006
Imagine this: you’re sitting in a conference room across the table from the editor or agent of your dreams. You’ve spent a long time preparingfor this moment – you practiced your pitch with your critique partner, picked out a few choice phrases to describe your hero and heroine, winnowed down your complex and original plot to a two-sentence high concept overview, and written the whole thing down on a handful of index cards in case you freak out and forget what it is that your book about. You’re all ready... aren’t you? Sure, as long as the industrypro 1) still acquires what you write (job descriptions and line needs change at the speed of light in this biz), and doesn’t blindside you with a pet peeve that bears an uncanny resemblance ot your latest project. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, but if you keep your head and your sense of humor, you can survive and even benefit from pitch scenarios gone wild. Let Diana Peterfreund, author of this summer's SECRET SOCIETY GIRL, show you how.

Barnes & Noble University fun:
Backyard Astronomy: Skywatching Basics
Your Home Spa
Feng Shui for Your Life

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