Friday, July 14, 2006

Getting My Groove Back

New drugs always seem to make me tired. Zaps the motivation. It's like I'm being pulled backwards by a black hole. So much for finishing Drive Me Crazy before the editor got back from her holiday!

I hate stopping a work in progress. I'm a linear panster, so when I get out of the groove, I have a hard time getting back into it. It's what kept me from completing manuscripts for so long. I hopped out of the groove for fantastic reasons - polishing stories for the editor, line edits of the Cooking Up A Storm...which I now wish I would have suggested Cooking Up A Seduction - but I'm still grooveless.

What do you do to get back into the groove after a break from writing?


Fiona Lowe said...

I print out a hardcopy and snuggle up with my m/s and read every word I have written of the story. By then end, you've got your groove and a bevy of ideas to finish the book.

Karen Erickson said...

I don't print out a hardcopy but I do reread my work carefully which seems to pull me back into it. It's hard to be away for a long time, but if I immerse myself, start thinking of nothing else, then I usually find myself back in the groove.