Holly stepped out on the lanai and held up her cell phone. She breathed a sigh of relief as the bars lit up on the display. Her interlude with Harm on the beach had put her behind schedule and she couldn’t afford to be without her phone. She dialed up her voicemail and turned to look at the house.
Most of the lights were off, allowing the stars to reflect off the glass facade. But the upper corner glowed like a beacon. The sight drew her eye and her breath. Unaware of his audience stood Harm, enjoying a shower for the world to see.
Not that there would be many looking. With the rocky outcroppings along his shoreline, no boats would get close enough, and his villa was higher than the house beside his or the collection of bungalows he owned. Right now she was the only one enjoying the view.
“Come on, turn around.” Holly blinked at the sound of her own voice, unaware she’d spoken. She slipped her phone into her pocket, then looked up to find Harm had done as she wished.
“Oh my.” She pressed her hand to the base of her throat and stared.
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- Caribbean Casanova has everything you want; a gratifying love story between two interesting characters, a beautiful tropical setting, witty dialog, and a surprise ending that will bring a tear to your eye and leave you satisfied. ~ Guilty Pleasures
- THE EPILOGUE was BRILLIANT! Jenna I never saw that coming and peeps…O.M.G.!!!
~ Harlie's Books
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