Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Good News

Drive Me Crazy got moved up in the production schedule at Samhain...which is made of awesome since it is a fun, flirty, summer read. The thrill still has me bopping around.

But this means that the Christmas novella idea I've been wrestling with must be tamed....because it's my shot at a 3rd 2012 release.

I've been so blessed since I had PrincessGirl to just write what I wanted, when I wanted. My publisher found a place for it and never nudged about upping my releases. Well, until this year. Because the girl is three.

The husband is all about more releases, because that ups the chance we'll be able to actually take a vacation for our 20th anniversary (two years to save up). But his job only seems to get busier, which leaves less time for him to help me out with the whole running a household and giving three kids a happy and mind-opening childhood thing we have going.

So looking ahead, I'm going to have to lean on my friends a bit more. But, they like my stories. In fact, they are starting to request they star in them. Which I just can't do. I mean...I love my friends, but they have husbands already. I like the fantasy, the mystery, the drama of not knowing quite how the characters will make it all work out.

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