Friday, January 30, 2009

Dreams & Desires 3

This is the third volume and I've had a story in each. All proceeds of this volume will go to St. Bernard's Battered Women's Shelter in New Orleans, just rebuilt this past year from Katrina. (The proceeds from the first edition go to a shelter in Florida, and from the second edition to a shelter in Los Angeles.)You can by the ebook directly from Freya's Bower or the print version from Amazon

DREAMS & DESIRES 3 features stories from (in alphabetical order of last name): Shobhan Bantwal, Marci Baun, Jenna Bayley-Burke, Mychael Black, Amanda Brice, M.E. Eillis, Gemma Halliday, Candace Havens, Babe King, Bonnie Kinsey, Adelle Laudan, Susan Lyons, Debbie Mumford, Kari Lee Townsend, Lois Winston, and Barbara Witek, with a foreword by Carol Anne Davis.

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