Monday, July 07, 2008

Follow the bouncing ball...

I have so little time online these days. With the boys home from school for the summer and the new baby, it seems there is never a free minute. I find I'm making notes of what to do in my online time.

Today I finally too Michelle Styles' advice and filledo ut my Author Unbound page on Shelfari. If you ahve books listed there, you should too. It only takes a few minutes. To do this, add at least one of your books to your Shelfari page. Click on my profile, click on my authors, click on your name and follow the bouncing ball. There is a place to link your page to your shelfari page, making it easier for readers to find you, and for you to find the page later to add on a bio or welcome message or what have you.

Go on. Get it done...

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