THE MARRYING MAN - started October 2003 when HubbaBubba got laid off. I'd be able to write a book and the kids could still have a Hanukkah full of presents...count your blessings he found another job quickly. This was all about a reality tv show called, you guessed it, The Marrying Man. I wrote it long hand since I didn't have a computer. I just checked, and that bugger got to 33K! I typed it up a few years ago when I was trying to learn how to type.
BREAKING HIS RULES - 80K - started fall of 2004 when I managed to get both boys to nap at the same time. Finished in January of 2005. Sometimes I talk about this one as WORKING IT OUT, sometimes SENSATIONAL SEX. It's the karma sutra yoga book that is parked at Warner.
FALSE ALARM - 60K - my 2004 NaNoWriMo that became JUST ONE SPARK, the book that Mills & Boon bought and published in May 2006.
STRIPPED - 80K - February 2005. I wrote it as a BREAKING HIS RULES follow up with the hero's sister, but then unlinked it because it didn't work. It's an OK book, but has a really weak suspense element that either needs to be beefed up or removed, and so it sits on my hard drive.
PAR FOR THE COURSE - 80K - MayNoWriMo 2005. This is the golf is the new singles bar book. Also has a D/s element that was very challenging to work with. It intrigued me to have the power play, but I kept the focus on the romance. This was a tickle file book - I worked in an article about golf, and a MSN report about exploding frogs! This comes out in July from Samhain.
IT'S NOT YOU - Summer 2005 - I made the mistake of Snowflaking this idea and lost interest. It made it to 17K, but knowing what happened killed it for me.
JUST ONE NIGHT - Summer 2005 - This is hands down the best first chapter I have ever written. And there is NO story behind it. I've tried it one way for Blaze, two ways for M&B...When people talk about contest winners who never sell, I think of this chapter.
IF YOU SAY SO - 85K - Summer 2005 - Now called LITTLE WHITE LIES. My virgin erotica author hero. It's sitting on an editors desk...waiting patiently...Totally fun to write. It has a lot of the same characters as JUST ONE SPARK, but a virgin erotica author hero can only work in single title.
FOR KICKS - 70K - NaNoWriMo 2005 - The cross country retail whirlwind with a phone sex scene that makes me smile. Black Lyon put it out this March.
CULTIVATING TEMPTATION - Jenna's attempt at a Regency. Haven't finished it. Historicals are hard to write!!
COME FOR DINNER - January 2006 - Did First Draft in 30 Days and wrote and sold this book in 6 weeks. It morphed into COOKING UP A STORM from Mills & Boon in December of 2006.
EVERYBODY LOVES RACHEL - April 2006 - a partial the lovely editor didn't like. I still like the story...
PLAYING WITH FIRE - May 2006 - same as above...but this one had a hero who smoked.
HER CINDERELLA COMPLEX - 60K - October 2006 - I was feeling a bit burned out, so wrote a completely indulgent working together/ trapped on an island / fake engagement story with a Cinderella twist. Samhain put it out this February.
SURE THING - 70K - NaNoWriMo 2006 - This is a true JUST ONE SPARK follow up, with the subplot characters. Unfortunately...the hero doesn't work for category. I think it needs a revision to make it work for single title. And so it sits.
WHAT FEELS RIGHT- February 2007 - This is the don't mess with my sister book, but I only did the first chapter since I was in the 'editor doesn't like it' groove
DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION - 60K - Spring 2007 - Uber organzied girl and a Frenchman drive west to attend a wedding. Found out the book stalls through the midwest. Thanks Immi! I promise to fix it one day!
WHERE THERE'S SMOKE - Fall 2007 - A firefighter in Hawaii. I'll write this one someday, but it has some bad mojo for me at the moment.
MR. POSSIBLY - Winter 2008 - The wedding planner and the mogul. The partial is with the brilliant editor.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS - right now! - It's my jealousy themed book. It's not very plotty, which makes it hard to explain. I've only had one scene where the H & h weren't in the same room. All about angsty emotion and playful banter, this one. Trish and I are in a word war...except she has disappeared from the internet. Please. I'm having a baby next. Then I plan on finishing MR. POSSIBLY.
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