Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday Thirteen...Tarot edition

So...I don't really Tarot. But I did buy Tarot flash cards one day when I was missing my friend Linda who did a spread for me once. Anyway...the only spread I know of with 13 cards is the yearly prediction. goes!

Thirteen Things about Jenna's Year according to Tarot

1…. The year overall :: 9 The Hermit - Alone, but not lonely. Turning from focusing on the outside world to focusing within. Seeking spirituality and patience with self....Hmmm. I have been reading tons of Sylvia Browne...

2…. June :: Ace of Wands - Energy and Growth. A new start and realization of personal power.

3…. July :: 4 of Cups - Make a choice and take action to stir yourself from discontent. Demand your turn and act on a new opportunity. Oh...this bodes well for Nationals, yes?

4…. August :: Knight of Swords - A warning not to be hasty or impetuous, as trying times lie ahead. Avoid drama. Or...a person associated with the law might enter my life. Maybe hero fodder?

5…. September :: 1 The Magician - Reality comes into focus, allowing me to translate ideas into action and boosting self confidence. Prioritize, and do what you say. Or...a virile young man may enter my life...more hero fodder?

6…. October :: 6 of Cups - Nostalic bliss. Perhaps an old friend will call or visit, or I will enjoy reminiscing about my youth. Take time to focus on self instead of the world around me. Usually this is also a signal that a break or vacation is in order.
7…. November :: The Fool - This card reminds me of the book The Secret. I love the innocense of stepping off a cliff and trusting the Universe to provide a soft place to land. Me, I'd pack a parachute. Maybe in November some of my cynacism will wear away. It could either be that I am shackled by fear, or that I have leaped too far too fast...hmmm. Interesting card.

8…. December :: 3 of Cups - Abundance and warm family gatherings! Perfect placement, no? I'll also not only solve a problem, but resolve it and move beyond it with clarity. Really celebrate this month.

9…. January :: Ace of Swords - New insight and creative change. Againg, placement! Everyone feels this way in January. New beginnings, new goals.

10…. February :: 2 of Swords - Postponement. Hmmm. I think this is when my Samhain debut is set for. Not the best sign. The card urges to remain logical and think things through clearly, but remain active, not passive.
11…. March :: 8 of Wands - News is coming, and it is coming quickly. Travel and change is on the horizon. New priorities are starting to show their effects. Don't let life rush by, enjoy it.

12…. April :: King of Wands - You are acheiving your goals, completing your projects, your success is being noticed. Be sure of the facts before jumping into situations. educated gentleman may enter my life. Hmmm...a third hero?
13…. May :: King of Swords - A fully awakened mind can deal with any situation. Accept you are complicated, the world is complicated and flawed. Find balance and strive to communicate. Life is more than work. Or...maybe it's hero number 4, in the form of a ruler...a Mediteranean prince perhaps?

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
  1. Heather
  2. Babe King
  3. Robin L. Rotham
  4. Laura Rose
  5. shelley
  6. Gina Ardito
  7. Susan Helene Gottfried
  8. Adelle
  9. Diana Castilleja
  10. Ember Case
  11. Tempest Knight
  12. Seeley deBorn (used to be Jenn on the Island)
  13. Crystal Jordan
  14. Debbie Mumford
  15. MIchelle (MG)


Heather said...

Very cool and fun TT! Mayhaps that August prediction is a warnign not to sign any contracts too quickly, to review them carefully and delay signing if Mercury is in retro. ;)

Babe King said...

Yeah, if I did Tarot the cards would tell ME to pack up and shuffle off.

btw if you add me to your writing friends, I'll return the favor. :-)

Robin L. Rotham said...

I've never had a Tarot reading. Maybe I'll have to try that before National. :D

Laura Rose said...

Hey! We both picked the fairy header!! Well, you know what they say... great minds and all that ;)

Shelley Munro said...

I've never had a tarot reading either. Your year sounds like an interesting one :-)

Gina Ardito aka Katherine Brandon said...

Good luck with that July one! I'm guessing August is saying hold off on signing that contract from your July successes. Maybe in September you'll get a mega-book deal!

Unknown said...

I get my daily tarot reading in my email each morning. I find they are way more on the money than horoscopes. Happy T 13 Jenna

Diana Castilleja said...

I've always wanted to do a tarot reading. Part of me doesn't believe it will mean anything, part of me is terrified it will! LOL

Anonymous said...

What a great TT! Watch for news in Dallas with the 8 of Wands!

Tempest Knight said...

Seems like you're going to have a great year, Jenna! :)

Debbie Mumford said...

Nice one, Jenna!! Not only did you pull cards for your spread, you knew what they mean. I'm impressed.

I need to take yet another class to really get the hang of this!

Anonymous said...

Oh that was cool! Can you do mine too??

Crystal Jordan said...

I'll take the King of Wands...and can I get references from his last girlfriends?

Anonymous said...

Interesting TT Jenna!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I've never seen an entire year forecast through Tarot; I'd like to learn how (is there anything special to it?).

That was a GREAT reading. Sometimes, delays can be for the best, remember.

Have fun at Nationals!

Unknown said...

I'm clueless on this new blogger. But...I will try...

Now...y'all get some Tarot Flash Cards, will ya? You don't have to know the mojo. It tells you on the back. LOL. They have a rhyme, a traditional and modern interpretation, and some questions to ask yourself. Easy peasy.

Elizabeth Parker said...

Fun post! This made me want to dig out the tarot cards again. It's been awhile. . .

Anonymous said...

I really should get a tarot reading. That's so cool. and so many heroes :)

Anonymous said...

I really should get a tarot reading. That's so cool. and so many heroes :)

P. Robinson said...

I love reading Tarot cards. I know a few of the formations. The horseshoe is my favorite and seems to be more accurate when I use it.