Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Really? Tag? I mean...ugh. I was ignoring the first tag, but now that there is two, it seems, well, rude to ignore. OK. Debbie & Dayna...you asked for it... 8 things about me...
  1. I got married at the ripe old age of 18.
  2. I run like a girl. Not that I am slow, it's more of a "Run Forrest" kind of thing I have going.
  3. I forget EVERYTHING. Seriously, I'm not ignoring you. Whatever it was has slipped my mind.
  4. I'd rather read than just about anything
  5. I'll do a booty dance in the kitchen if it will make my kids smile.
  6. I refuse to dive. Headfirst seems counterintuitive to me.
  7. Pre-kids, I refused to answer the door sans makeup...now I only put on a face about twice a year.
  8. I'm freaking about my first RWA nationals in just a few weeks!!


Dayna_Hart said...

You love me :)

Thank you, Jenna!! :)

I'm answering your 8 to make things fair-er...that is too a word!
1. I was preggers at 19
2. Me TOO!
3. um. Most everything...unless it's useless information...*sigh* I have tv listings in my head.
4. There's other things to do?
5. Yup. Mostly it makes my youngest tell me I have a big bum.
6. lol I agree
7. I've GOT makeup. I just don't wear it much.
8. *sob* I"m jealous!!

Thank you so much for doing this!

Anonymous said...

LOL - I had tagged you yesterday too so that's three of us!

Laura Rose said...

Darn it, I was gonna tag you too! *sigh* Seems I'm too late!