Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Is anyone else reading THE SECRET? I saw the show Oprah did on the book and was intrigued enough to pick up a copy of the book. Larry King had an interview with a group of experts from THE SECRET documentary...does it seem a little irresponsible to anyone else?

There must be some element to this secret to life I am missing. Probably something I glossed over while reading with one eye, the other on my kids as they played at the park. The gist of THE SECRET is to visualize what you want in life (this is so much fun for a writer), the universe is your catalog (OK, I admit I had a SkyMall moment when I read that bit), and if you act as if you've already received your order, your energy frequency will draw it to you.

I've been visualizing Merry Maids...and there are still dishes in my sink. If I do them will it ruin the energy frequency? Isn't is irresponsible to let dishes rot on the counter until Hubba Bubb realizes they are not a scence experiment for the boys?

I've been visualizing a multi-book contract, having an excerpt in Cosmo, having a novel adapted into a movie (hence the new avatar), my perfect office, giving a keynote speech at a RWA event, taking the boys to Australia, and washboard abs (for me or Hubba Bubba, I'm not picky).

What are you visualizing?


Anonymous said...

I'm visualising the same things you are but adding the time to do all that in! LOL

I haven't read this book but who has time?

Cole Reising said...

LOL! I love your visualization! I was actually just looking for this book as a gift for my hubby... not saying I think he needs it but that we might both enjoy reading it... and I don't see any harm in dreaming! :)


TJ Brown said...

I always wanted to know what the secret is. So if I visualize that pan of brownies hard enough I can get them without making them? Oh, wait... that's why I have a teenage daughter! :)