Friday, May 11, 2007



I was planning to take a few weeks to organize and regroup, maybe write a few short stories before I got back to work on another novel...but...

OK. Not going to write today. Must clear off my to do list first!
  • Format Pink Heart Society posts for May (yes, this was on my list last week as well)
  • Organize office (since it doubles as our bedroom, Hubba Bubba is really behind me doing this)
  • Knock off the top of my To-Be-Read stack (Trish sent me her April release and did I read it in April? Nooooooooo. She's going to slap me while I sleep.)
  • Work up a writing plan for the rest of the year (Must do this if I have any hope of staying on track during the summer months when I would much rather be playing outside with the boynadoes.
  • Work up an idea for the PORTLAND novella I'm contracted to write for Phaze. I want to run a syno under the editors nose before I get too into it.
OK...that's enough! Must get to it instead of dreaming up more to do!

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