Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Writing Coach!

I need a gimmick to do anything, it seems. Or maybe I need a group. I like to do things enmasse, to share the joy. I'm not a follower really, I'll lead if their are people with me. But I hate to do anything alone. I mean, who will I kvetch with?

So, Stacey turned my nose towards The Writing Coach, a free online 30-Day writing course. C'mon y'all. Get on board. Even the non-writers. Everyone has a story to tell.

“The Writing Coach: 30 Days to Conquer Your Self-Doubt and Procrastination and Have 30,000 Words Under Your Belt” - each day we'll be given an exercise, and if we completet it we'll write 30K. So...what can it hurt? Today I have to freewrite for an hour!! How decadent.

**speaking of hurt, my You Can Do It! challenge is killing me - cardio & strenth today**

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