Friday, April 28, 2006


In addition to reading and gutting up for the Romance Readers Luncheon tomorrow...I've made sure all my short stories are submitted. I proudly told my husband last night about my accomplishments - the partial at Blaze, revised full and MX, the promising response thus far on the ST at Avon, three poems and all nine of my shorts off...he wondered why. Did I want to write poetry or prose? Shorts or novels? Category or single title?

The accountant in him was baffled. If I picked one and focused, wouldn't it be better?

For some, but not for me. Poetry teaches me about word choice and makes my prose more vivid. Shorts teach me to use the right word instead of ten wrong ones, making my writing tighter. Category teaches me to focus on the romance and motivations, shedding a different light on what kind of story arc works in that medium and what doesn't. Single Title gives me the freedom to tell the story that comes to me.

So for now...I'm scattered. And loving it!

1 comment:

Karen Erickson said...

I say whatever works for you, my dear! I don't know if I could do so much, though your explanations for each one made sense. You should be proud of your accomplishments - you've done a lot!