Sunday, April 30, 2006

Evil Editor - Why you don't get published.

T steered me to an entertaining and informative blog called Evil Editor. What Snark is for agents, EE is for editors. EE is doing query letter facelifts this weekend...and he worked wonders on mine. Why is he helping?

"Your Evil Editor's goal is to get more editors to request more manuscripts, thus increasing the income of the U.S. Postal Service, thus delaying the inevitable raising of the price of a stamp to 41 cents. True, all these extra manuscripts being printed will necessitate the destruction of another rain forest, but these two cent increases every couple years are mildly annoying to Evil Editor."

I wish blogger had a giggling emoticon.

1 comment:

KATZ said...

Thanks for pointing me that way. He did do a great job with yours, I thought - nothing too Evil/hilarious, so you were closer on target than some of the other posters! :) Looks like he's just starting out...might have a following soon!