Saturday, January 05, 2008

Holiday Hangover

The holiday season is over. School is starting up again. There are parking spots at shopping malls all over the world. Now it's time to get back to real life.

It is hard to get back to reality after so much festivity. It's been a mad scramble the last month to get everything done, to be everywhere at once, and eat everything in sight. Wait, was that just me?

Post holidays I always want to lay in bed and just let my head recuperate from all the rushing about. As things slow down I remember the best holiday bits - like my mom's Thanksgiving dinner or how excited my big boy was when he saw his presants from Santa. I also recall things I'm llikely to never forget - like my wee small boy's holiday pageant where he was too shy to sing a word and how mom's Thanksgiving dinner didn't stay down thanks to the baby on board.

I wonder what sticks with you from your holiday season. Come on now, you can tell us about how your boss had too much to drink at the Christmas party and you set his face on the copier so you'd have evidence come raise time. We won't tell if you complain your husband got you power tools, or gush about the diamonds he hid in your stocking.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hands down - the look on Santa's face when Ed asked for those binoculars... un-be-lievable!