by Jenna Bayley-Burke
"Cross a meandering playboy with a studious control freak driving cross country and you have a plot that is fresh, fun, and blatantly sexy!" 5 stars, Slick Reads at Guilty Pleasures
**Blog Exclusive Excerpt**
The sky darkened and the storm that had been threatening for the past few hours loomed in the distance. Xavier must have sensed it too. He’d raised the roof of the convertible, closing them in the small space with no distractions from the conversation they needed to have. But even with over an hour of driving behind them, she still hadn’t figured out how to talk him into getting her to Oregon as fast as possible.
She turned in her seat and pulled out her travel folder,
then placed it on her lap. Inside were the maps of three different routes they
could take, with hotel stops marked along the way. She’d taken the drive so
many times she barely needed them anymore, but it was always best to be
“What do you have there?” Xavier’s deep voice slid over her
like molten chocolate over a truffle.
Truffles. Like the white chocolate version Allison had ordered
for the wedding. Jaime blinked and steered her mind back to business.
“Driving directions. Since we got a late start and it looks
like a storm up ahead, I think we should stop in Pittsburgh for the night. If
the weather holds we might be able to make it to Ohio.”
His hands tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles
turning white. “How long were you thinking it would take us to get across the
“Less than three days if we drive in shifts and get lucky
with the weather. I don’t mind driving in the dark as long as it’s clear, but
when it storms I’d rather be inside.”
“I don’t think we should get too caught up in the details,
J’aime. It’s far too restricting.”
“It’s much more efficient this way.”
The muscles in his neck flexed as he swallowed. “I think we
should stop sooner rather than later. That way we can get a few things straight
before we head out tomorrow.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Such as?”
“I’m not driving three thousand miles to get somewhere; I actually
want to see the country. I won’t be driving at night, or in a hurry. I want to
enjoy the trip. You should too.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but wasn’t sure which
argument to make. It wasn’t that she was against enjoying the trip. It just
didn’t serve the purpose of getting to Oregon. She had to get there soon so she
could start networking her way into a teaching position and find an apartment.
She’d been on her own far too long to live at home for more than a couple
“This is an adventure. When was the last time you did
something exciting? Something just to enjoy it?”
She couldn’t come up with a single instance, but would die
before admitting it. “My life has plenty of excitement.”
He smirked. “Tell me about it.”
Clearing her throat, she offered up the graduation party
she’d chaperoned, carefully omitting the fistfight that had broken out in the
parking lot.
“That’s work. Do you ever enjoy yourself away from the
Again she felt like a fish, her mouth gaping open. “I run
and I taught rock-climbing classes.” He looked thoroughly unconvinced she’d
ever experienced elation. “Teaching is fun for me.”
“But what do you do for you, J’aime?”
Lightning flashed in the distance, illuminating angry clouds
and a horizon blurred by driving rain. Electricity crackled in the atmosphere,
the current flowing through the dense, humid air. She spied a road sign as they
barreled down the freeway. Ten miles to Bedford. She checked her notes to see
if they could stop there.
“What are you doing?” His voice held a mocking quality she
didn’t appreciate.
“Looking to see if there is a Holiday Motel in Bedford. The
weather looks pretty nasty up ahead.” The thunderous skies above them loomed
ominously, waiting to release their fury.
“We’re not staying in a motel.”
“I have a preferred-customer account there. For every ten
nights I stay, I get a night free.” Jaime rifled through the papers, looking
for the list of participating motels along their route. “There isn’t a Holiday
Motel in Bedford, so we’ll have to keep going. The closest one is in Mt.
Pleasant, but that is barely an hour from Pittsburgh, so we might as well go
all the way.”
“J’aime, can I see that folder?” He held out his large hand,
never taking his attention from the road.
“While you’re driving?” To emphasize her point, large
raindrops began to splatter on the windshield.
“I want a better look at that map on the top of the page.”
Reluctantly, she slipped the folder into his hand. He set it
on his lap and pressed a button to lower the window. Before she could decide
what he was up to, he’d slid her folder out the cracked window.
“Hey!” she yelled, the seatbelt cutting into her shoulder as
she turned to watch the pages fluttering behind them. “That was mine. And
littering is a huge fine, I’ll have you know.”
“Do you feel better?” A drum roll of thunder underscored his
“Better? I’m in a car with a crazy man who just dumped our
itinerary in the middle of the road.”