Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Animal Personalities

Y'all know how I love my Point and Click Characterisation. And my addiction to wed quizzles. I don't know what it is about finding boxes to fit in, you know, so I can break out of them...

Anyway, I hadn't seen this one. Unfortunately it's in a book (PUT YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES ON AND DEAL WITH IT) and not online for me to point and click. Still, I thought it worth blogging about...and I'm no the kind of blogger who talks Cheetos and dryer lint.

Golden Retrievers : Warm, supportive, caring. Enjoy interaction with others. Avoid confrontation, find harmony through compassion and empathy. Excell in kindness, affection. Social workers, nurses, teachers, personal coaches.

Otters : Spontaneous, playful, sensual, lovers of life. Thrive on recognition. Big hearts. Can work tirelesly when fascinated, not bogged down by details. Dreamers, intuitive. Writers, painters, actors, dancers.

Horses : Love to run, feel their muscles. Physical, enjoy training. Grounded in theit bodies. Use sports ri celebrate their energy. Gymnasts, bikers, hikers, runners, personal trainers.

Foxes : Natural persuaders, quick-thinking, chameleon-like ability to blend and identify with
others. Tuned in to others needs, preferences. Negotiators, sales, clergy, PR, entertainers, relationship coaches.

Lions : Takes pride in family and point of view. Goal-oriented. Confident, love to win. People feel protected by lions. Sometimes impatient. CEOs, military, surgeons, pilots, managers, entrepreneurs.

Beavers : Love information and analysis. Research and review. Analytical, methodical. Work at their own pace, which some think is slow or redundant. Purposeful, deliberate, patient. Historians, accountants, judges, scientists, IT professionals.

Owls : Enjoy conceptual thinking and long range planning. Sometimes called impractical. Like problem solving, not implementing solutions. Like to play what if... Philosophers, economists, professors

So...in the words of Miss Moo...who are you and what do you do?

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