Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday 13 -- Favorite Tweets

Cathy Yardley tuned me into for the most favored comments on Twitter. Here are the 13 best ::
  1. My milk sheikh brings all the boys to jihad.
  2. The only thing less attractive than Regular Nicolas Cage is Wet Nicolas Cage.
  3. Getting up early to go to Jehova's Witnesses' houses and pass out pamphlets on how the world's not ending next tuesday.
  4. It smells like a skunk is smoking a joint outside.
  5. When someone tells you to "kick it up a notch," don't ask them how far up their ass they want you to kick it. Surprise them.
  6. I'm in the middle of an important writing project. Which is why I'm building a functioning C-3PO out of vacuum cleaner parts.
  7. You know what would be cool? Smokey and the Bandit redone with Muppets.
  8. Nothing says 'ballin outta control' like sitting in your boxers, on twitter, on a Saturday night.
  9. Are you just gonna sit there like a chump on a blog?
  10. At a green light, not moving. Someone in front of me appears to have taken "green" to a new level by composting a car in traffic.
  11. Native Americans had rain dances. Modern Americans have carwashes.
  12. It's to the point now that if I hold off just a little longer FEMA might come and vacuum my apartment for me.
  13. Looking at an Alpaca and wondering how he got out of the Seuss book.


Heather said...

ROFL at #7!

Ms Menozzi said...

#'s 1, 3, 4 and 6 got me giggling like a loon... Thanks!

Happy TT!

Shelley Munro said...

These are good. I like #13.
But I'm still a twitter holdout :-)

Inez Kelley said...

I love it! it is like random idiocy at it's finest!

Stephanie Adkins said...

I think I'm the only person alive who doesn't Twitter. LOL I tried it once but I just couldn't get into it. Happy Thursday! *Hugs*

Ella Drake said...

I loved number six. Got a huge snort out of me & a small urge to tear apart my vacuum.

Unknown said...

LOLOL Hilarious. Going to friend you on Twitter. At least once a day, I read something on there that makes me laugh out loud.
Happy T13!

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Oh AWESOME!!! These are hilarious.

Paige Tyler said...

LOL! Fun TT!


My TT is at

Alice Audrey said...

Hey! I like Nicholas Cage! Ok, maybe not wet, but still.

Kate Willoughby said...

No, Stephanie, you're not alone. I have a Twitter account that I need to cancel.

Anonymous said...

I so love #5. *laughs*

Anonymous said...

lol. Very funny. Stephanie, I don't Twitter either.
Happy Thursday. My 13

Lia Morgan said...

I so want to do #5.

Elise Logan said...

Love these. I would love to see Smokey and the Bandit be redone with muppets. I'd totally pay to see that.


April said...

Those are pretty good! i can't get the whole twitter thing figured out really. But I'm working on it.